Vehicle Transfer Requirements. (Company)
- Vehicle must be present
- Bother parties (buyer & seller) must be present.
- Both parties must produce two(2) forms of ID’s(ID/DP/Passport)
- Insurance in the name of the buyer (cover note, after transferred then go & take out your insurance)
- Purchaser’s receipt of sale(not older than 7 days)
- Board Of Inland Revenue Requirements
1-Company invoice (original & copy).
-Invoice should state:-Invoice number, date, vat number, name &address of purchaser
2-Vehicle information:-make & model, registration, engine, & chassis number.
- Vat charged must be at market value.
- A valuation report is required ( original & copy).
- Certified copy( original & copy)
- Complete the transfer form ( form 11),
- Join the inspection line(In POS it’s the line on the eastern side(right) ,In SANDO its one line until its reaches up closer, its spits into two, you’ll be going left to the inspection pit that is closer to the licensing entrance
- Make sure no one else is in the car, drop the two front glass & ensure that chassis & engine number is clearly visible to the eye, if not use sand paper, chalk or a flashligt then proceed over the pit(inspection department) .
- The licensing officer will instruct you further, to come up & when to stop, switch of the car, present your documents and call out your chassis number & engine number out. NOTE ensure that the engine number matches the certify copy engines number other wise you’ll have to do and “engine change” this is very simple just get the “Engine Change Form” fill it out and present a recent (not older a month) receipt, this can be done at the same time.
- After the verification, the officer will ask you to park the vehicle and return to him, your transaction will be logged, then proceed to the Transfer counter and present documents, that is Transfer form signed & stamped, ID’s,Cover Note & receipt! NOTE In POS however the licensing officer takes the document to the transfer table, but still ask for further instructions!
- Thats it! Both parties will verify their ID’s and one can remain to pay the transfer fee
- In case the seller being out of the country, a Notaries Public or Power of Attorney must Be Presented to a Licensing Officer.
- A senior officer must sign ALL Legal Documents –Mortgages, Notaries, Power of Attorney & letters from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs etc. before approaching the counter.
- Death Transfers(see more)
- Maxi Taxi Transfers-(Maxi Taxi section)POS